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myotonic muscular dystrophy , The truth about this topic !

Have you heard of Dr.myotonic muscular dystrophy what causes muscular dystrophy Stephen Hawkins name moronic muscular dystrophy? He is a renowned scientist and is known as the Einstein of the nth century. A person so smart and talented , is not it ? You might think he is lucky to be so happy, but it is not . He has muscular dystrophy .myotonic muscular dystrophy .
what causes muscular dystrophy ! muscular system diseases:

Muscular dystrophy ( MD ) is a genetic disorder that weakens the muscle. For this reason, the person has difficulty in movement ®what causes muscular dystrophy and may not even be able to move at moronic muscular dystrophy all without help. Muscle weakness is due to the lack of information in the genes of the person concerned or incorrect. And because it is genetic , not transferable , but transferred to the offspring from one generation to another. People with MD may develop symptoms as a child,myotonic muscular dystrophy  a teenager or even an adult moronic muscular dystrophy .

Several major forms of muscular dystrophy, and have what causes muscular dystrophy different symptoms. They are:myotonic muscular dystrophy!

· Dutchmen muscular dystrophy (myotonic muscular dystrophy DD) -moronic muscular dystrophy this is the most common form of muscular dystrophy and usually affects children . DD is the problem with the gene for dystrophic is missing.myotonic muscular dystrophy Dystrophic is a protein that helps to maintain muscle strength and shape . Otherwise, the muscle becomes weak and eventually break.what causes muscular dystrophy Symptoms usually appear between the ages of 2 and 6myotonic muscular dystrophy. When they reach adolescence ,moronic muscular dystrophy most likely in a wheelchair . Heart muscles also begin to weaken . Scoliosis can develop. When the muscles used for breathing is affected , the person may need help ventilator to breathe myotonic muscular dystrophy.what causes muscular dystrophy People with DD usually do not reach their teens.

· Becker muscular dystrophy (BD) moronic muscular dystrophy- BD also affects men. The disease is also very close to DD .myotonic muscular dystrophy The difference is that symptoms such as muscle weakness and deterioration usually occurs in what causes muscular dystrophy adolescence or even adulthood. People with BD also experience problems in the heart , bones moronic muscular dystrophy, joints and breathing. Life expectancy depends on the time of onset and severity of respiratory and cardiac problems myotonic muscular dystrophy.

· Emery- Darius muscular dystrophy ( EPDM ) - This form of MS mainly affects children too. Symptoms appear in late childhood and as late as monotonic muscular dystrophy . The muscles involved are the muscles of the shoulders, arms and legs myotonic muscular dystrophy, and also causes joint problems and even heart problems.

· Myopia girdle muscular dystrophy ( moronic muscular dystrophy GM  what causes muscular dystrophy ) - This type of MD affects both boys and girls. The symptoms begin in childhood and until mid -myotonic muscular dystrophy adult. The affected muscles are the muscles of the arms and shoulders and muscles around the hip and legs. Wheelchair may be necessary for the progress of the disease moronic muscular dystrophy.

· Fascias Muscular Dystrophy (FISH) - Children are affected muscular system diseases by this type of MD . The house is also variable.moronic muscular dystrophy Perhaps already in adolescence or later adulthood. The affected muscles are the muscles of the face ,myotonic muscular dystrophy shoulders and even legs . People with this type of MD usually have difficulty whistling  moronic muscular dystrophy, raising his arms and closed his eyes tightly muscular system diseases. Effects of this type of MD vary . Some are minor , some serious .

myotonic muscular dystrophy !

· Moronic muscular dystrophy (MD what causes muscular dystrophy ) - this form of MD affecting muscle relaxation . People with MD have difficulty relaxing muscles and myotonic muscular dystrophy results in muscle atrophy , cataracts and heart problems .

moronic muscular dystrophy!

· Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (CD ) - This term was coined for all types of devices that are already present at a young age . They can not be diagnosed . Boys and girls are affected and symptoms include moronic  muscular dystrophy muscle weakness and lack or muscle tone. CD may also cause a delay and / or learning problems myotonic muscular dystrophy.

Muscular dystrophy has no cure , but doctors are finding ways . The diagnosis is made by physical examination.myotonic muscular dystrophy Doctors also moronic muscular dystrophy ask questions about the symptoms you are experiencing muscular system diseases. A complete family history is also important.

myotonic muscular dystrophy

Muscle biopsy can also be performed for patients suspected . Genetic testing can reveal if you have DD moronic muscular dystrophy.

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